Tuesday, 29 July 2014

Daddies Are Official!

We all attended court today and the Parental Order was granted without any problem - it was the conclusion of what has been an absolutely amazing 14 months.

Our Cafcass worker attended, I think she really felt a connection with the guys and our case and wanted to be a part of the big moment - sweet and we didn't mind. She was a pain in the ass a little, bugging my IFs for extra information and making a mountain out of a molehill on a few points but she came through and it wasn't a big deal in the end. She was really complimentary about the guys and wanted it noted in the official report that 'in twenty years of social work, she has never encountered such loving, committed and caring parents'. Sweet and very true. The 3 judges were very nice too and had no reservations in granting the order, it was surprising how quickly it was over to be honest, we waited longer for the summary to be prepared after than the hearing which was mere minutes. Afterwards we all had a photo taken together - judges, court advisor, Cafcass, myself, the guys and the star of the 'show', baby Fin. They gave Finley a panda teddy which was a touching gesture, I'm sure it's nice for them to be a part of something so positive when you consider what they probably see on a daily basis, as judges in a family court. The court advisor told us that the office ladies had been waiting all morning to meet Finley and so they came out to see him and were as taken with him as expected and even our Cafcass officer had a hold and was in love with the little guy. He's such a charmer and that smile gets everyone!

Afterwards, the guys, Fin and I went out for some lunch to celebrate, it's been 4 months since we've been together in person but we do talk every day, still it's nice to chat and laugh together in person. It also gave me the opportunity to have lots and lots of baby cuddles. That boy is so gorgeous, he has big blue eyes, long eyelashes, a cute little nose and the biggest of smiles for everyone around him - such a happy boy.

It was lovely that I was able to be a part of proceedings today, such a contrast to my last journey which can be said for every part of this match really - I've been truly blessed with the relationship we all have with one another and what we achieved together. Today was a day I'll treasure, yet another fantastic memory made with the guys.

Now the focus shifts to what comes next....

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