Thursday, 21 November 2013

General Round-Up

What's new here? Not much!

I'm getting bigger by the week, well duh I know but yeah. LOL.

I'm also getting more breathless, I don't know if this is perhaps a sign that the usual decline in my iron levels has begun but it's more noticeable but I should also say I have a cold so that could be a big factor. I'm also freezing cold and I know that the weather is fast sliding into winter mode but even at times when I shouldn't be so cold, I am. I'll know when I get my blood tests re-done at the 28 week appt but I wouldn't be surprised if it came back low.

Booked in for my glucose tolerance test at the beginning of December, a 'perk' of being fat (and having a history of diabetes in the family) means I get to be stabbed with a needle twice in the space of 2 hours and drink a ridiculously large amount of pure sugar at 9am in the morning. I have no doubts I'll get the all-clear from that and it's simply routine.

Baby is kicking up a storm much more lately, I've been able to feel him from the outside for a couple of weeks now. He's a good boy though, has his active bursts but for the most part is pretty kind to me! I feel kicks all over the place so that's no indication of position and of course we're not concerned with that yet. I recall with my last surrobaby, who was breech until 38 weeks consistently, that I used to feel kick/jabs down low all the time and it was never accurate in determining where he was position wise so I don't go much on that.

This week I had a minor op on my eyelid, I was nervous as hell but it went smoothly and surprisingly pain free. I'm now 2 days out post-op and the black eye that Google warned me about has not materialised and it appears that I was lucky, just as the doctor doing it had said some are. It didn't have any effect on baby and was a purely cosmetic procedure so there were no concerns from that aspect. I'm glad though that it's one less thing for me to fret about!

And that's pretty much it as far as any update goes - getting frequent heartburn and finding it so hard to sleep but I suffer both in pregnancy so neither were an unexpected surprise. I'm also finding I seem to sleep better when I do eventually drop off, if I'm sat upright and so another pregnancy milestone has been reached - purchasing of the v-shaped pillow. LOL. I do this every pregnancy, get to a certain point where I need one to help me get comfortable and settle but have never seen the point or appeal of those huge specifically marketed pregnancy pillows. No, a cheap generic v-shaped one does the job perfectly well for me so that's on my to-buy list this coming week.

Guess my next update will be the 28 week midwife appt/results of the GTT and my 28 week bump pic!

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