Friday, 10 January 2014

Busy Day

We had our growth scan today and baby is doing great! He's head down and my placenta is now high and anterior so both are great. He's growing well, up near the 98th centile for his tummy circumference and so that earns us a repeat scan at 37 weeks just to monitor it but they are not worried at all - it's just to see where his growth continues to be and he's not going to be a whopper! LOL.

Next was the consultant appointment and it was also pretty routine. BP and urine clear, seems like I'll be doing another 6 weeks of Clexane injections post-partum which is the same as last time and I have to have my BP monitored every 2 weeks until 36 weeks and then weekly from then onwards - again, just like last time but we don't anticipate any problem and it's just being pro-active.

We saw the Head of Midwifery next and she remembered me from last time and was as lovely as I remember and had been telling the guys. It was all standard and similar to what was offered last time and we're all more than happy with what was discussed with regards to what we'll be offered in terms of accommodating the guys during and after delivery. Two thumbs up from us all on that score. I did chuckle when she asked if I may be doing surrogacy again because I 'do do pregnancy very well' - it was a compliment so I'll take it. As we said, essentially, we don't know. A lot can change and none of us are making any decisions at this stage!

Finally baby's parents got to feel him move - well one of them did, the other must have iron hands or poor sensation in his hand because he couldn't! LOL. But one of them did and was grinning from ear to ear, I just wish it had been both but next appt hopefully.

So all in all, a great day and lots sorted. We're all in disbelief really that we're so close to meeting this little man, it seems to of sped up suddenly. We are all so excited though, we're really hurtling towards the big day now.

I'm feeling pretty good in myself, tiredness is continuing to hit me really hard and with 3 children who've been sick this past couple of weeks at one point or another and a husband who works a lot of nights, I'm shattered well and truly but as I said, not long now until this will be over and I'll be reminiscing over this time and wishing I'd cherished it whilst I could - 'bad' bits and all so no, no real complaints.

This little boy is so active, he's the most active baby I've carried so far, which has taken some getting used to and it makes it all the more real that I have a live human in my belly which I know sounds weird but it's easy to not give it deep thought when you have a quiet baby compared to one that jabs, rolls and kicks all hours of the day and night. I do enjoy it though, even when it's physically painful because once again, when it's over I know I'll miss it.

I am seeing my midwife for a routine appt on the 22nd and will be back to update after that.


  1. Hi JJ,

    I finally figured out how to comment on here! (I think!)

    Just wanted to let you know that I check in on your blog often and I'm still fascinated by your surrogacy journeys. I've started my midwifery conversion now and I really hope that I get to look after a surrogate family sometime! And be a wiser, better midwife from reading your insights into the journey!

    Lots of love,
    Helz (MV)

    1. Helz! How the devil are you, dear? Wow, long time and no news.

      Thank you for your kind comments, I'm glad my ramblings may be of some real use to someone. How exciting you're moving into midwifery, I'm a little green with envy at that.

      Please come back to Mv and give us more detailed update - hope you and the beautiful boy are keeping well!

