Saturday, 3 August 2013


I am so tired and nauseous all day long, this pregnancy is really sucking the life out of me. For the most part I'm fine with that - signed up for it after all but other times, I just get pissed off with it. I think half the trouble is there's no first-time excitement to carry you through. Last time, it was 4 years since I was last pregnant and so it was all exciting and new almost, and of course I had never been a pregnant surrogate before so all the exciting things that come with that first time, help to balance out the crappier parts of pregnancy but this time, that's not the case.

I just want to start feeling a bit brighter, I want to get off these bloody medications and I want the bleeding/brown gunk stuff to give it a rest. I can't wait for our scan on Thursday either, where hopefully the twin vs. singleton drama will finally be resolved. I feel ill enough to believe there are still 2 in there but I know from last pregnancy, where I felt worse when 2 became 1, to not think that's a sign itself.

My IPs are good, excited as we eek closer to the magical 12 week mark. We also have our first midwife appt next week which they are eager to attend and get the care ball rolling. I just take it a day at a time and try to keep my stomach contents where they belong!

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