It was putting on a show for its daddies, wriggling around, showing us its beautiful face and making sure they had plenty of time to look at how gorgeous it was.
The ultrasound tech took ages looking at the heart, including having me move from one side to the other and switching to doppler flow to view it too and we were all beginning to feel a bit anxious that perhaps she had spotted a problem but it was simply that she was having a hard time viewing one particular aspect that she needed to. There was an audible sigh of relief when she said all was fine.
At the start, my placenta was indeed low and covering the entire cervix, just as we'd feared but suddenly near the end of the appointment she said my bladder had filled up nicely and flipped it out of the way!? She said she therefore didn't need to write anything down on the report about the placenta being an issue but I think that was situational, that because it moved, she couldn't write any different down but that it's essentially a watch and wait thing and since we're booked for a routine growth scan at 32 weeks, they will simply recheck the placenta as part of that anyway and see what's what then. She did however seem unconcerned it was low and covering at the start anyway, and said she had yet to see a placenta that hadn't moved by the time a follow-up scan was done so we're going with that for now. Even if the entire scan it had stayed low, they would do nothing different that have a follow-up anyway.
Baby was lying transverse still but of course there is plenty of time for that to change and it's not a concern at this stage, it does however explain why I'm getting pain so far up and across the top of my uterus because that's where it's hanging out! She was really high up with the probe so my uterus is obviously growing well, she was well above my belly button which was odd since it should be around belly button height but she didn't seem concerned and I'm not either, I know fundal height is subjective and nothing is more accurate than the actual scan and the measurements gained during that - which were all normal.
I should mention that at the start of the scan, the tech asked if we would like to know the gender and we excitedly answered yes! Now, I swore it was a girl because of my sickness, the nub theory and skull theory and I just felt sure it was. M said boy and B said girl. So, one of us had to be right and there was a 50/50 chance...
Straight away the tech announced she could see what baby was and showed us all very clearly that we're TEAM BLUE. Love that part of the scan, it was great to see the look on the boys' faces as they took in the news that they have a son on the way. Seems my body likes boys but this time it's nothing to do with me since my genetics aren't involved!
All in all a good appointment, we all came out grinning and it was lovely to get some much needed good news after last week's scare. There is a lull now because I'm not due to see anyone until 28 weeks, so middle of December and we're going to enjoy every second it and just take in the journey so far.
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