Monday, 8 July 2013

We're Clear

All is quiet again and clear on the bleeding/spotting front, now been almost 2 days and nothing. Phew, very much a relief. It did scare me since I've never experienced anything like it before but we swapped (again) which way I administered the Cyclogest meds and it appears that that has made a difference so we're pretty certain it was irritating my poor cervix.

We are all quietly breathing a sigh of relief and hoping that this continues, it's been a tense week to be honest and we've all felt on edge but as the week wore on, we equally felt that if anything scary was going to happen then it would of by now. I think we all jaded ourselves a bit from researching on the internet but it was useful to see what others had experienced. My IF also spoke to the specialist pharmacist who supplies the prescription meds from Czech, to UK patients and oddly enough he and his wife also went to the same clinic we did and have twins - she experienced a lot of bleeding too so it was nice to be able to get some first hand experience and advice from someone who really has btdt and had a happy ending.

Our follow up EPU scan is for next Monday but one of my IPs is having some trouble getting some time off work and so we decided to rearrange it with a private clinic for Friday. We all know it may be too early to see a heartbeat or 2 but hopefully if nothing else, we can see appropriate fetal growth at the very least and that will be reassuring regardless. I think we're all a bit anxious, certainly I am given what happened last time with twins but I've nothing to suggest anything bad has happened so I'm keeping optimistic but realistic, once we see those heartbeats then the risk of miscarriage falls dramatically and continues to drop every week thereafter that passes. We are currently just taking it one day at a time and limping from one milestone to the next, until we hit that all important 12 weeks.

So we're happier than this time last week and feeling excited for our upcoming scan, barr any major events, I'll be back with an update after that. Please keep everything crossed for us!

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