Wednesday, 3 July 2013


Last night I had pretty much convinced myself that the pregnancy was doomed - I had nearly continuous light pink discharge and pain and my mood was low, I was sure none of this meant good news. I'd decided last night that we needed to know something so I would see my GP today for a referral to the EPU.

With the referral paperwork in hand, I headed to the EPU and expected just a quick chat with the nurse practitioner and some blood work but my GP asked me to go to the other hospital's EPU - where I live we are served by 2 major hospitals, 1 with an EPU I used last time, with my surrogate baby and the other where I've delivered all my babies and I went to their EPU when pregnant with my own children. This time I went to the latter but expected the same treatment.

Imagine my surprise then when the nurse told me I would definitely have a scan! I was worried about what it may (or may not, given how early pregnant I am) show but also I felt bad that my IPs, thinking as I did that there would be no scan, would miss the first milestone scan. It had to be done though so with some trepidation I entered the scanning room. The ultrasound tech was lovely, genuinely warm and interested in my unique situation and our chatting helped calm my nerves a little whilst she did the preliminary look around my insides.

Imagine my even bigger surprise when she told me she saw 2 in there!! Yes, twins! I had the biggest grin on my face by that point. I believed we had lost the pregnancy we knew there must be, let alone expect to see a 2nd one in there.

The tech checked them out, they both had a yolk sac and a gestational sac so not a blighted ovum so that was one sigh of relief. Both appear to be on track for my dates too. Naturally there was no heartbeat on either at this point but that is perfectly correct for my gestation so I felt no worry at that and the tech told me not to fret at all.

They didn't see any reason for the bleeding but the nurse I saw after my scan told me that it's possible it was implantation bleeding/old implantation blood, could be these flipping pessaries irritating my cervix (which Google seems to tell me is very very common for ladies taking them) or just one of those things. She sent off a urine sample just to check whether I have an infection somewhere that could explain at least the pains I've also had but we don't think it will show up anything.

We've done some research on the internet and concluded that using the pessaries, rectally, could well completely eliminate the cervical irritation, if that's what's the cause of this spotting and it's absorbed just as well so we're switched to that method from today. Not pleasant but if it stops any more scares then I'm on it! Surrogacy is oh so glamorous once again!

I'm to relax as much as I can now and just wait a re-scan in 12 days time, we at least know that I'm pregnant, there's no reason why both babies won't continue to grow as expected and thrive and there's nothing more we can do but sit tight and be optimistic so that's what we're doing - well, that and processing the initial shock of the news. How fantastic that once again, I've got pregnant with twins! I just hope and pray for a better outcome than last pregnancy, where we lost one at 9 weeks but what will be, will be.

Stay tuned!

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