Tuesday, 2 July 2013

Not Again

Another episode of spotting today unfortunately, I had some brown/light pink mucus type gunk (aren't you glad I am the sharing type?!) earlier and although it was a one time deal, it still made my stomach drop like a lead weight.

I know I scraped myself when inserting my morning pessary so it's entirely feasible that it was that blood coming out much later in the day, I hope that's it anyway.

I also have a sore uterus which combined with the gunk made me worry a bit but actually, I also have a bit of an upset tummy today too so perhaps it's not uterus pain but rather bowel pain which is irritating the whole area. Nope, I'm not going to think negative today, I've had spotting as I said with almost all of my pregnancies and it's been nothing and this will be the same.

Having to tell my IPs once again was crappy but it had to be done, I'm always entirely open and honest with my couples, even about the scary and potentially bad stuff because we're in it together - all of it. They panicked immediately, which of course they would but I tried to be as reassuring as possible and calm them down.

I've e-mailed the clinic doctor, just for some reassurance that we're not not doing something we could to stop any spotting but I'm pretty sure, like last time, he will just say to rest, relax and not panic. Well, what else can we do? I did mention to my IPs that I will try and get to the Early Pregnancy Unit tomorrow but it all depends on what else I've got going on tomorrow and whether the GP will refer me or not, I wonder if a blood test or 2 may help put all our minds at ease so we'll see if we can get that.

For now, I'm keeping calm and positive, feet up and I've had an extra pessary to stop anything potentially getting worse and will see what the EPU say I should do about continuing that or not tomorrow.

I took a digital test today and was hoping to see a 3+, despite being only 14dp5dt so the equivalent of 19dpo so that I could send it to my IPs and it may of reassured them the pregnancy was progressing at the very least but annoyingly it came up with 2-3 still - which is entirely correct given where I am in the pregnancy but wasn't a welcome sight really. I took another First Response test though and that was much darker than ever before so at least that was something nice to send them.

Ironically I booked our first appointment with the midwife today and had only just sent that exciting info to my IPs when I then found the spotting and brought them back down to Earth with a bump (no pun intended). Ugh. You can't make it up but I refuse to think any way other than positive and optimistic, this baby/babies are just giving us a run for our money and ensuring that they keep the focus firmly on them!

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