Wednesday, 5 June 2013


There really isn't a whole lot to say, I'm still taking my meds and apart from a constant headache and stomach pain, it's going OK. I know that's not alright to be in pain but no-one said GS was easy and I knew that the meds carried a risk of side effects so I can't really complain too much. Yes, it's annoying but I want this for my IPs (and myself, selfishly) so I'll get on with it. I'm hoping when I go to the clinic for transfer, I can talk to the doctor about swapping to another type/brand and seeing how that goes.

Of course my mind is on processing the loss of my grandmother and things are very raw on that front, I still am unable to adequately express in words how much my heart and head hurt. I suppose at least it provides a distraction but I really wish it didn't obviously.

I'm off to Scotland for the funeral from Friday onwards and then it will be a mad dash back home to have my lining scan on Wednesday. One of my IPs said to me last night that in just 14 days, I will have those precious embies on board. Wow, I cannot believe that it's all moving so fast! I mean that in a good way too, it is fast but it feels natural and I've no regrets at matching and ttc at this pace.

I meant to mention before that the clinic we are going to do ICSI, rather than IVF. I think that's pretty neat because over here in the UK, ICSI is not routine but actually it provides better success rates and that's what this 'game' is all about after all, success.

I also started temping today again, last cycle I got lazy and didn't at all but this cycle I'm back on the wagon. I think it'll be interesting to see what the meds and specialised treatment I'm having will do to my charts and of course, if the cycle wasn't to be successful then I have something to compare following cycles to.

I started to look at pregnancy test galleries too, at all the positive ones and was a bit jealous but we'll skip over that little sad admission....LOL.

When you use Fertility Friend charting software, you can set a filter to show charts that match your own circumstances - so for instance, I could put 'with donor egg', without 'IUI' and 'with estrogen' and it would show me charts where women were having similar to me and the outcome of their cycle too. The stats made me smile this morning, it was something like 67% resulted in pregnancy and 10% (ish) resulted in miscarriage. Now blatantly the latter was not something to smile about but those women did get pregnant and that is a massive milestone to reach, they did get pregnant - even if it didn't end in a live birth and so it is something to celebrate still. I just hope these odds don't get me too carried away because as I well know, there are no guarantees but wouldn't it be lovely to get a first-time bfp and why wouldn't that be the case? Positive thinking, we're going to do this!

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