I had my lining scan today and it's perfect at 9mm, on day 14 of my cycle. All looks as it needs to, nothing sinister in there and my ovaries are all fine too so a big weight off my mind on that front!
IF is out in Czech currently, he has to give his sample at 10am tomorrow and then the rest of the week will be spent with us all on tenterhooks, watching and waiting how the fertilisation of eggs go. I'm pleased that for a few days, I can hand the baton of pressure over to him and sit back - this is his turn to be in the cycle hot-seat!
We've had a good couple of weeks just coasting along quietly, me on the meds, them sorting out paperwork and arrangements for the cycle and now it is starting to step up a notch and we're all excited but nervous, probably because it's all new to us.
We both also had our standard blood tests done this past week - HIV, Hepatitis and Syphilis and all seemed fine on that score, just another formality that needed to be done and crossed off.
Can't believe that this time next week, I will be PUPO (pregnant until proven otherwise). I will have technically embryos on board.,I hope they make themselves at home and settling in for the long haul!
Tomorrow I add progesterone to my meds, this is to supplement my levels to help sustain my lining and any pregnancy that occurs. You can take them vaginally or rectally, eek! Unsure which way I will choose, I've been reading up on both methods, neither seem appealing to me and neither seems better than the other so I think this decision will just be a matter of personal choice.
However, I've read that they do give you some wicked symptoms though, I remember with my first journey and using natural progesterone cream one cycle, that stuff was pretty crappy with its effects and I foresee these strong pessaries being even worse. Oh well, all for a good cause and all that.
That's pretty much where we are currently, will keep updating with the results of how the eggs are cooking!
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